Brand Culture

Taocheng Ceramics is the first brand of Guangdong Hemei Ceramics Co., Ltd. It is a large-scale modern ceramic enterprise specializing in the production of soft light natural stone, super hard marble, marble, polished tiles, interior wall tiles, large slabs, small antiques, and wood grain tiles. .

Taocheng Ceramics originated in Foshan in 1987. It is the first batch of Chinese ceramics brands to obtain high-quality ceramic product certification. It always insists on product quality first. The long brand history has nurtured the profound cultural heritage of Taocheng Ceramics. With rich management and sales experience, it has brought together a large number of ceramic elites. With its solid foundation and strong production scale, it has become one of the few ceramic enterprises retained by the Foshan Municipal Government and supported by excellence.

Taocheng Ceramics expands the market with the goal of "stable product quality and high-quality customer service", its product sales network is all over the country, and an efficient and convenient rapid response service system has been formed. Taocheng Ceramics takes "bricks to build the future" as its brand concept, takes "sincere, sincere, Taocheng and other national integrity as its brand culture, establishes a national brand image, adheres to the century-old brand goal, and continues to build an international ceramic brand that serves thousands of households. 

Taocheng tiles, build a modern and comfortable living space!

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